Intelligent Design Petition in Oshkosh!
Recently, a woman in Oshkosh named Sandra Gade has circulated a petition to have evidence against evolution taught alongside evidence in favor of evolution. This means, of course, that it's finally happened -- the purpose for which the Milwaukee Evolution League was put together has finally surfaced. Someone in Southeastern Wisconsin has finally come out of the shadows to insist that evolution is wrong, and that tax money should support the lie that there is doubt surrounding it. It is time to stop this faith-based initiative before it confuses and befuddles more people. See her website at And be ready. M.E.L. is about to spring into action!
Have you seen this yet Eric?
Hey I just wanted to say that to me evolution is very spiritual to me. It is perhapse one of the most beutifull concepts in science. I would love to be involved in you'r group, and I think I have alot to contribute. Please contact me on myspace on how I can become more active in this group.
One thing I always wonder is why so many christian groups feel that asserting that the earth is x amount of years old is a testament to their faith. I can't understand why they just don't addapt their spirituality to the real world. Anyway I'm kinda sleep deprived right now so feel free to get back to me on my page.
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