Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Islamic Creationism, and Hope

I just received a forwarded link to a website where Muslims now trumpet the anti-evolution propaganda.


I'd find this website funny, except that Muslims won't. As if things weren't bad enough in the Islamic world! Now, the culture that needs the social and democratic freedoms which come with secularization is doing its best to have scientific reasoning, the heart and soul of secular culture and human freedom, undermined.

How many times have freedoms in our own country been trumped by religion? Didn't the Comstock laws of the late 1800's try to ban Walt Whitman's 'Leaves of Grass?' Didn't the Catholic Church get laws banning contraception on the books? And that's just in America! Imagine what Islamic extremism could do! If evolution is successfully smeared to the point where few acknowledge it, I fear for the survival of our species.

Fortunately, there is hope. My friend Mike Morrison, the lead guitar player in the band I sing in (the band which, I'm sad to say, occupies much of my time in preventing me from doing more for M.E.L. and this blog site), pointed something out to me which is profound. If you have faith, he says, you shouldn't have to denounce scientific evidence. All the science in the world shouldn't be able to shake you. You'd believe it, and that's that. But because creationists attack the scientific evidence, it betrays how insecure they are in their beliefs! Deep down, they recognize that science trumps them. So they fight to change that, and in so doing, send a very distinct message: "Our faith is weak!"

So, let them be weak, and I'll call them on it. It's that thought which gives me hope.

Thanks, Mike!



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