Thursday, March 16, 2006

Tax Returns Going to Creationist Groups?

Okay, I just have to vent about something.

Yesterday, I received a postcard-sized fundraising pamphalet from Answers In Genesis. It pictured a typical tax return form, and the caption read, "How will YOU spend it?"

Now, I didn't bother to read the rest, as it sickened me. But I've got to admit, it's a tactically brilliant move by AIG, and it goes without saying that a whole lot of yahoos are going to give generously as a result of this mailing. That means that a lot of people who don't deserve it are going to get wealthier, and a lot of people who worked hard for that money are going to be blissfully poorer. It made me wonder, though. What right do they have to nag people who have been patiently waiting all year for this important financial break in their lives? Why should they be guilt-tripped into donating part of their tax refund to a tax exempt organization which tries to hijack public funds and/or resources? Come to think of it, why should a portion the money that their free government gave back be relegated to a religious organization whose sole purpose is to violate American religious freedom?

Oh yes, it happens every year. You anticipate your additional check, and dozens of crediters and charities tap you on the shoulder, and with their open hands oustretched, utter a large "Ahem!" In a free society, you can't prevent this, any more than you can prevent fools from spending their money foolishly. But the mere presence of the creationist hand so outstretched simply makes me want to smack that hand with a ruler as hard as I possibly can!



At 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you seen this yet?


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