Monday, February 27, 2006

Some Creationist News: Henry Morris Passes On...

Here is a newsbit recently released by the Intitute for Creation Research.

After a series of recent minor strokes, Dr. Henry Morris, founder and president of ICR passed away on Saturday, February 25, at about 6:30 p.m. He was 87 years old.

Henry Morris is considered by many to be the founding father or the modern-day creation movement. In addition to the over 60 books on "creation science" he authored over the years, he was the co-author of "The Genesis Flood," the 1960's book which started it all -- reviving a doctrine of a literal six-day event, roughly 6,000 years ago, which had all but been entirely relegated to backwater cults such as Seventh-Day Adventism at that time. He also authored the New Defenders Study Bible, which inserted his own commentary into the mouth of God, and was a pioneer in "Arkeology," or, the search for the remains of Noah's Ark upon the mountain known as Agri Dagi -- or, 'Mount Ararat,' in Eastern Turkey.

Although it is inappropriate to rejoice in the death of an ideological opponent, no matter how controvertial or damaging his or her ideas may be, we should reflect on whether or not the passing of this creationist patriarch signals the decline of this movement, or whether the damage he caused is only just beginning. It is a sad event when anyone passes, but it is all the more sadder when we contemplate that his entire life's work must inevitably be undone someday. I therefore hope everyone will join me in whishing nothing but the best toward Henry Morris' family. Their grief must be truly unbearable, faith notwithstanding.



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