Monday, December 15, 2008

Back To School!

Greetings, everybody!

Well, I've finally done it. I've left my accounting career this past summer to get my butt back in school. I finally had to face it: While I'm good with numbers, accounting just isn't my thing. My first love has always been science. So it's time for a career change. I'm studying for a biological sciences degree, with the intention of becoming a science teacher.

So, I'm back to posting on this blog page. It's been awhile, I know. I'll be able to post more interesting blogs than ever before, as I learn first hand why some of the most widely-publicized evidences for creationism are complete horseshit. Oh, I have my theological reasons stemming from the Bible, and those are paramount, but the scientific evidence is equally damning. You'll get the juiciest tidbits of my daily lessons, here.

This past fall, I've already had an outstanding time. I took a History of Life course which covered the paleontological evidences for the evolution of life. Wow! What a blast to learn the names of so many key fossils which help to index the geologic column! I also took a basic geology course (Yawn! Easy A.) and a Meteorology course, in which I came face to face with the issue of global warming. No definitive conclusions were offered, but it was emphasized that global warming is a scientific debate, not a political one.

Now, this Spring semester, it gets even better. I'm re-taking a chemistry course (which I didn't do well in this last semester, I'm afraid), but I'm also taking two more outstanding courses. I am taking Anatomy/Physiology with none other than Andrew Petto, who is active with the National Center for Science Education, and who was recommended to me by Eugenie Scott (who is delighted I'm back in school, by the way). Dr. Petto will likely become my BioSci advisor during my tenure at UWM. But the other course is even more fun. Geochronology! An entire course in radiometric dating and other methods of determining the age of rocks! I couldn't be happier if I were at the Playboy Mansion with a truckload of condoms!

So stay tuned! Because I'm back!


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