Hovind's Blog
Well, I stand corrected. Hovind's web site may have no links to his blog, but the blog still exists, and I found it once again. Naturally, "Dr. Dino" has been blogging fairly regularly on the inside, having nothing better to do than that, and teach inmates math and theology. There are many such blogs, but I've pasted my favorite one below. It illustrates just how shaken he is, and how much he was soul-searching, while at the same time still being in utter disconnectedness as to the truth of his position, and how he got there. Enjoy!
Sixty to Zero in One Second Flat…Then Back to Eighty!
As many people who follow our ministry know, on November 2, 2006, a two week trial ended in my wife and I being found guilty of three basic charges related to IRS laws. I am currently in jail awaiting sentencing on January 19th. Below are several points of interest on which I am reflecting:
1) Our attorneys say that there were several key events that must be appealed. Pray that this case will be overturned on appeal.
2) I’m doing rather well considering the circumstances. So far six men have been saved. I have Bible studies three to four times each day with some of the men. Many of the men here are black and most are here for drug related charges. Some of the men, white and black, are loud, vulgar, and play the TV full blast most of the day. Every cop, judge, lawyer, and politician needs to spend a week locked up before they take office. It changes your outlook on many things.
3) I finally got a pillow after only eight days and requests! I am about ready for a new pair of socks next!
4) Dr. David Gibbs, Jr. preached a great sermon nearly thirty years ago about Pastor John Bunyan in England refusing to take a license to preach and spending thirteen years in the Bedford jail for it. While he was there, he wrote a classic, “Pilgrim’s Progress.” David Gibbs, III, his son, who testified against us during the trial, testified that all church ministries should contract with the government by becoming 501 (c) (3). Being 501 (c) (3) is taking a government license to have a church ministry. The second law of thermodynamics applies to things other than matter.
5) I think I have pushed hard for seventeen years spreading creation and if God is done using me in that ministry, I am OK with that. However, I am asking God for this to be reversed and grant me forty more years of preaching His Word out of jail. Even though I am not out preaching, there are still many thousands creation tapes and DVD’s circling the globe and winning souls. Everyone can help us by continuing to get and circulate the creation materials. The ministry is still going with Eric out preaching in my place. Dinosaur Adventure Land is still open at this time with the winter park hours of Thursday through Saturday, and our dedicated staff keeps working on new tools to win souls. Subtitling the seminar in about fifteen languages is one project in the works.
6) Being here gives me a much better appreciation for many Bible characters who suffered for doing right. Abel, Joseph in Egypt, John on the Isle of Patmos, Job, Daniel, Jeremiah, Shadrach, Peter, Paul, and Stephen, just to name a few, and millions of other Christians in the last 2000 years. Acts and Foxes book of Martyrs take on new life for me, as does the story of Corrie ten Boom and Alexander Solzenitzen’s work. The book of Acts records over 50 instances of God’s people being arrested, tried, beatened, or jailed. And that is just the book of Acts!
7) If the case is not reversed, I face anywhere from parole to 7 to 12 years. I am meeting people here that I would probably never had met, had I not been sent here. I yearn for my freedom and family. Paul’s letters written from jail will mean much more to me now. Reading them shows us that nearly everyone forsook him, and most of his needs for physical comfort were ignored. He asked that people “remember my bonds”, yet we don’t know if any ever did. One of the men in here told me that he has been here for eleven months, and has never had a visitor. Our office has a list of men that you could minister to as a pen pal. I will encourage everyone to get a prisoner pen-pal and donate the creation videos to their local prisons. We have donated many hundreds over the years and have seen many saved. This experience will change me for the good forever.
8) I have also been teaching basic math to many of the men. They love it, and are eager to learn. The appalling failure of our education system is evident in here. Even hardened drug dealers react with glee when they finally understand the concepts of calculating the number of yards of concrete needed for their driveway.
9) It seems that most are starved for real affection and a father’s love and approval. One man, with over thirty tatoos, was excited when I made him a bookmarker. I drew his name in such a way that each letter is 1/8″ wide and 8″ long. It can only be read by tipping the paper and looking down the lines. I told him that you have to look at life from God’s perspective to make any sense out of it. They all loved it!
10) When I compare my time in jail to the Apostle Paul’s time, I am forced to realize that I have so much for which to be thankful. I have not been beaten. I have hot and cold water. I have three meals a day. I have clean clothes two times each week. I have climate controlled and sanitary conditions. I have a sink and toilet. I have a phone and can call out to my family sometimes. I have people in here that are saved and supportive. I have people outside that love me and are praying for me. I can look out a window. I have an unlimited supply of sanitary water. (Well, chlorinated, fluorinated, city water.) I am not facing beatings in the middle of the night. I am not facing execution. I have access to medical care. I do not sleep on a bug infested pile of straw, nor a rock. I am not chained to a wall or floor, or a Roman soldier. I have a Bible and reading material. I can receive 2 visits per week. I have a pencil and paper, and can send letters that will get to them in a few days. I am blessed, spoiled, and honored to be a child of God.
Why Did God Allow This? Maybe God wants me…….
1) To receive punishment for my sin.
2) To use me in an area in the jail that needed salt. (Matt. 5:13)
3) To let me be prepared for a new phase of ministry and this is boot camp.
4) To be humbled by God.
5) To allow God to see how fellow Christians react. He is gathering evidence for their day of reckoning. The same is true for me.
6) To give me time off to reflect, refresh, recharge, and renew my Bible study and prayer time.
7) To let me see the anguish my grandkids, who love me dearly, are going through, so that I would be more compassionate with kids to whom I preach, or that are visiting DAL, many of whom have similar experiences with jailed loved ones.
8) To show me how much can be done with so little. These men can make all sorts of things like water heaters from toothbrushes, and tatoo guns from ink pens. Most Christians are wasteful of God’s resources.
9) To give me a better appreciation for our veterans who slept in swamps and other squalid conditions for my freedom. I will hug POW’s from now on.
10) To give me a renewed appreciation for missionaries who leave family and comforts to spread God’s word.
11) To bring my thought, prayers, and concerns into action by inspiring me to visit those in the hospitals who never get visitors.
12) To let me see first hand and up close, the results of sin, drugs, and alcohol in a man’s life.
13) To let me see men pace back and forth like caged lions. Truly the wicked are like the troubled sea that cannot rest. Isaiah 55:20
14) To let me see why God’s law, which is perfect, converting the soul, authorizes: beatings, four times restitution, and execution for crimes, but never imprisonment. Certainly there are Roman and Egyptian prisons mentioned in the Bible, but none were authorized by God. This system costs everyone in many ways, and does little good and much harm.
15) To give me a taste of what awaits in the tribulation. The “state” control in that time will be overpowering.
16) To allow me to experience the joy of holding hands in a prayer circle with nine or ten men on fire for Jesus while facing severe sentences.
17) To make me order my priorities better. I cannot ever let my family fail, while I build a ministry.
18) To make me more like Jesus, the man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
19) To show that God is beginning to take His children out as the tribulation nears. Isaiah 57:1
What Can Be Done?
1. Many of you have called or written to ask if you can write letters on our behalf. We have learned that you can do this. Letters can be sent to CSE, who will give them all to the attorneys. The letters should be addressed “To The Court”, and may reference such things as our character, our Christian beliefs, and how the CSE ministry has impacted your life and ministry. These letters must be received by December 9th.
2. Keep praying and winning souls.
3. Listen for the trumpet!
Remember my bonds,Kent Hovind
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