Is evolution an atheist doctrine?
Many creationists believe so. But this claim is empirically false. Many Christians and members of other religions embrace evolution, demonstrably proving evolution is not atheistic. Pope John Paul II has openly embraced evolution. The Rev. Bennett J. Sims, Episcopal Bishop of Atlanta, endorses evolution. The biologist Sir Ronald Fisher was an Anglican. President Jimmy Carter, a devout Baptist, has supported evolution. Many religious organizations have given their support for evolution in the National Center for Science Education’s publication, Voices for Evolution, including the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA), The General Convention Of The Episcopal Church, The Lexington Alliance Of Religious Leaders, The Lutheran World Federation, The Roman Catholic Church, The United Methodist Church, and the United Presbyterian Church In The U.S.A.
A stubborn creationist might say that all of these people and organizations are just being inconsistent in their thinking. But it is certainly not more consistent to say that a talking serpent is a literal fact of history.
Courtesy: NCSE, Voices for Evolution: Statements from religious organizations.
Milwaukee Evolution League
Here is where Milwaukee answers back the creationist claims of local groups affecting southeastern Wisconsin. This includes the Midwest Creation Fellowship, and the Creation Science Society of Milwaukee. M.E.L. seeks to provide a more rational, balanced voice to those who mistakenly think evolution is evil, or somehow supports immorality.
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