Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Christian broadcaster disagrees with "six days."

Well, I just received my regular e-mail newsletter forwarded to me from Answers In Genesis ministries. In it, they tackle a question. Did a popular Christian broadcaster really say that a six-day creation didn't pass the "smell test?"

A.I.G. confirms that this did, in fact, happen. They go on to say that they are no longer surprised by the fact that many Christians have "compromised" their interpretation of scripture. But the actual broadcaster who disavowed six-day creationism on the air was not named in the newsletter.

I immediately combed through internet search engines, trying to find out which broadcaster it was, and what exactly he'd said, but I came up empty. While people of science should take heart that Christians everywhere are succumbing to common sense regarding creationist claims, I'm still left wondering: Which broadcaster was it? Does anybody out there know? Please respond to this blog if you know, or if you think you know. I'd very much like to find out.

But regardless of who it was, this broadcaster did nothing else but repeat what William Jennings Bryan did on the witness stand during the infamous 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial in Dayton, TN. Bryan took the stand, and openly stated to Clarence Darrow that he didn't feel that a "day" in Genesis 1 or 2 necessarily meant a literal, 24-hour day. The crowd gasped, as they knew Bryan had just given the whole game up. (For more, read "Summer of the Gods," by Edward J. Larson.)



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