An Interesting and Scary Poll
Here's some information that's reasonably shocking, courtesy of the online Campus Inquirer, published by the Center for Inquiry.
New Scripts Howard/Ohio University Poll Shows Half of U.S. Adults Want ID Taught
The survey of 1005 Americans found that 54% of respondents believe humans and the universe were created in their present form by God in 6 days, 24% believe in evolution, 16% believe that God guided evolution, and 6% were undecided.Regarding the teaching of Evolution, 69% of respondents agreed that most scientists believe in evolution so it should be taught in Science classes. %20 do not believe evolution should be taught in science classes and 11% were undecided.Finally, 50% of respondents agreed with President Bush that Intelligent Design should be taught alongside Evolution, while 37% disagreed and 13% were undecided.